
Solano - Solpreme Spray 除蝨噴霧 (貓犬共用)250ml

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Solpreme Spray

Flea & Tick control for dogs, cats, puppies, kittens, rabbits and small animals


  • 適合貓犬(包括幼貓、幼犬)兔子等小動物使用
  • 能有效殺滅及防止跳蚤、牛蜱、蝨、蒼蠅和蚊子
  • 對所有生命階段害蟲均有效 (包括成蟲、蟲卵等等等)
  • 使用一次, 有效30天
  • 絕對安全, 可用於出生一星期之後的貓犬

使用前請先做好保護措施, 輕輕撥開寵物背部、頸部毛髮, 每公斤體重可噴2-5次, 使用時請避開寵物的頭及



Fast action - eliminates fleas and ticks in seconds

30 days protection


The most effective spray for dogs, cats, puppies, kittens, rabbits, small animals and their environment. Kills and prevents fleas, ticks, chewing lice, flies and mosquitoes.

Faster Action
Provides fast acting and perfect solution for your pet.
Immediately kills all ectoparasites
High efficacy
The Film Forming effect coats each hair and provides full protection throughout the length of the fur.
Kills parasites throughout its all life stages from egg to adult.
Long Lasting
Keeps your pet protected from fleas and ticks for 30 days.
Safe Solution
Allowed to use from 1 week of age.
Allowed to use on pregnant and lactating female.
The innovative active ingredient – Dinotefuran is very efficient and safe for your pet.
Safe to use in a house with children.
Safe for the environment.

Prevent Diseases
Kills parasites by contact before they have a chance to bite and spread diseases.

User Instructions:
Ruffle the animal’s coat with one hand while applying spray. mist to the animal’s back, sides, abdomen, legs, shoulders and neck.
Apply spray mist until animal’s fur is damp to thoroughly wet. Do not spray directly on the mouth, eyes and internal ear.

Tip: Allowed to use from 1 week old

Tip: Spray until the fur is Damp. Amazing results in seconds



