
Mervue 清肝爽 LiverPak 500 for dog 60ml

  • 圖片 1
0.03 LBS
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LiverPak500 paste is veterinary formulated with key ingredients for your dog’s liver including S-adenosylmethionine, Milk Thistle, Artichoke; Carnitine, Choline and Antioxidants.


S-adenosylmethionine :

S-adenosylmethionine is a nucleotide-like molecule that is synthesised by all living cells. It is derived from methionine and ATP and initiates pathways, one of which is essential for glutathione production.

S-adenosylmethionine :

  • Increases hepartic glutathione concentrations
  • Helps maintain plasma membrane fluidity and function
  • Is involved in many biochemical pathways that can help maintain normal liver cell function.

Choline :

Choline plays an essential role in fat metabolism in the liver. It acts to prevent excess fat accumulations in the liver by converting excess fat into Lecithin or by increasing the utilisation of fatty acids in the liver.

Artichoke :

A member of the milk thistle family that helps control blood sugar levels, the artichoke is a fibrous, green vegetable containing cynarin. Cynarin is a phenolic acid compound that experts believe is important for cholagogue and choleretic properties; stimulating the production of bile in the liver and promoting the discharge of bile from the system.

Milk thistle:

Milk thistle has been used since the time of ancient physicians and herbalists to treat a range of liver and gallbladder disorders, including hepatitis, cirrhosis and jaundice, and to protect the liver against poisoning from chemical and environmental toxins, including snakebites, insect stings, mushroom poisoning, and alcohol (Ludvico, 2010). Several pharmacological studies have been carried out on the active components of Milk thistle, silymarin and silybinin. It has been found that these substances exert hepatoprotective, antioxidant, anti-inflammatory and anti-fibrotic properties. In addition, they stimulate protein biosynthesis and liver regeneration, increase lactation and possess immunomodulation activity.

Carnitine :

Carnitine is an amino acid derivative and nutrient involved in lipid (fat) metabolism in mammals. It is specifically required for the transport of fatty acids from the intermembraneous space in the mitochondria into the mitochondrial matrix during the catabolism of lipids.

Antioxidants :

These play an essential role by controlling the oxidation of sensitive membranes. They ‘mop up’ destructive free radicals and protect cells from damage.

Feeding Instructions


LiverPak500 is easy to use and suitable for puppies after weaning

Dog Size:

  • Small – Up to 5kg – 2ml daily for 7-30 days
  • Medium – 5 to 23kg – 4ml daily for 7-30 days
  • Large – 15 to 30kg – 6ml daily for 7-30 days
  • Very Large – over 30kg – 8ml daily for 7-30 days




