
AATU 97/3/0 ATW 全配方貓濕糧包 85g x 10包混款優惠 (請備註味道)

  • 圖片 1
  • 雞+三文魚+蝦
  • 火雞+鵝
  • 雞+鵪鶉
  • 雞+野雞
$144.00 (您總共節省了$16.00
0.00 LBS
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1 . AATU 97/3/0 ATWCS85 全配方貓濕糧包 雞+三文魚+蝦 85g (粉)

AATU 無穀物貓濕糧 - 火雞+鵝配方97%火雞及鵝肉“SUPER-8”組合,包含水果、蔬菜、草藥、香料和植物等不含穀物、白馬鈴薯及麩質AATU Cat Wet Chicken & Pheasant97% Turkey & Goose'SUPER-8' - Fruits, Vegetables, Herbs,Spices & BotanicalsGrain,White Potato & Gluten Free
Ingredients 成分97%火雞和鵝(包括火雞50%,火雞肉湯30%,鵝17%),礦物質,甜薯,胡蘿蔔,豌豆,蘋果,琉璃苣,鷹嘴豆,番茄,木薯,梨,小紅莓,藍莓,桑樹, 越桔,牛皮,葡萄糖胺,軟骨素,歐芹,薄荷,螺旋藻,海藻,牛至,鼠尾草,馬鬱蘭,百里香,洋甘菊,玫瑰果,絲蘭,菊苣,茴香,刺蕁麻,萬壽菊,葫蘆巴,肉桂,MSM。
97% Turkey & Goose (Includes Turkey 50%, Turkey Broth 30%, Goose 17%), Minerals, Sweet Potato, Carrots, Peas, Apple, Lucerne, Chickpeas, Tomato, Tapioca, Pear, Cranberry, Blueberry, Mulberry, Orange, Bilberry, Cowberry, Glucosamine, Chondroitin, Parsley, Peppermint, Spirulina, Seaweed, Oregano, Sage, Marjoram, Thyme, Chamomile, Rosehip, Yucca, Chicory, Aniseed, Stinging Nettle, Marigold, Fenugreek, Cinnamon, MSM.

Analysis 營養分析Protein 蛋白質 10.9%Fat 脂肪 6.4%Crude Fiber 粗纖維 0.6%Crude Ash 粗灰 2.5%Moisture 水份 79%Taurine 牛磺酸 1500mgVitamin D3 維生素D3 200 UI/kgVitamin E (Alpha Tocopherol) 維生素E(α-生育酚) 30mg/kg
Directions for Use 使用方法體重/kg 每日餵食量/pouches3以下 23-4 34-7 4


2. AATU 97/3/0 ATWCT85 全配方貓濕糧包 火雞+鵝 85g (黃)

AATU for cats is a complete and balanced food for adult cats that include 97% freshly prepared meat in a pouch. Made from natural ingredients, AATU is free from grains, gluten and white potato.
Ingredients97% Turkey & Goose (Includes Turkey 50%, Turkey Broth 30%, Goose 17%), Minerals, Sweet Potato, Carrots, Peas, Apple, Lucerne, Chickpeas, Tomato, Tapioca, Pear, Cranberry, Blueberry, Mulberry, Orange, Bilberry, Cowberry, Glucosamine, Chondroitin, Parsley, Peppermint, Spirulina, Seaweed, Oregano, Sage, Marjoram, Thyme, Chamomile, Rosehip, Yucca, Chicory, Aniseed, Stinging Nettle, Marigold, Fenugreek, Cinnamon, MSM.
Nutritional Analysis Protein 10.4%, Fat 6.0%, Crude Ash 2.5%, Crude Fiber 0.5%, Moisture 79%. Taurine 1500mg,Vitamin D3 200 UI/kg, Vitamin E (Alpha Tocopherol) 30mg/kg, Zinc Sulfate Monohydrate 15mg, Manganese Sulfate Monohydrate 3mg, Calcium Iodate Anhydrous 0.75mg.
Feeding GuideDaily suggested feeding amounts for adult cats:  Up to 3kg: 2 pouches  3-4kg: 3 pouches  4-7kg: 4 pouches


3. AATU 97/3/0 ATWCC85 全配方貓濕糧包 雞+鵪鶉(Quail) 85g (紫)


AATU for Cats Chicken & Quail Wet is a complete wet food for adult cats.

AATU wet cat food pouches offer your feline friend a delicious balanced meal made with a massive 97% chicken and quail. The meat is freshly prepared with fruit, vegetables, herb, botanicals and absolutely no grains, gluten or white potato making it easier on your cats digestion.
Key Benefits:97%雞肉和鵪鶉 (新鮮去骨雞肉57%、雞肉湯30%、新鮮去骨鵪鶉肉10%)
礦物質,甜薯,胡蘿蔔,豌豆,蘋果,苜蓿,鷹嘴豆,番茄,木薯,梨,紅莓, 藍莓,桑葚,橙,山桑子,越橘,葡萄糖胺,軟骨素,番芫茜,薄荷,螺旋藻,海藻,牛至,鼠尾草,馬鬱蘭,百里香,洋甘菊,玫瑰果,絲蘭,菊苣,茴香,蕁麻,馬鬱蘭,胡蘆巴,肉桂,MSM
維生素D3 200 ui / kg,維生素E(α生育酚)30mg / kg,硫酸鋅一水合物15 mg,一水硫酸錳3 mg,無水碘酸鉀0.75 mg
High meat content.97% chicken and quail.No grains, gluten or white potato97% Chicken & Quail (Includes Chicken 57%, Chicken Broth 30%, Quail 10%), Minerals, Sweet Potato, Carrots, Peas, Apple, Lucerne, Chickpeas, Tomato, Tapioca, Pear, Cranberry, Blueberry, Mulberry, Orange, Bilberry, Cowberry, Glucosamine, Chondroitin, Parsley, Peppermint, Spirulina, Seaweed, Oregano, Sage, Marjoram, Thyme, Chamomile, Rosehip, Yucca, Chicory, Aniseed, Stinging Nettle, Marigold, Fenugreek, Cinnamon, MSM
Analytical Constituents: Protein 10.8%, Fat 6.4%, Crude Ash 2.5%, Crude Fiber 0.5%, Moisture 79%. Taurine 1500mg,Vitamin D3 200 UI/kg, Vitamin E (Alpha Tocopherol) 30mg/kg, Zinc Sulfate Monohydrate 15mg, Manganese Sulfate Monohydrate 3mg, Calcium Iodate Anhydrous 0.75mg


4. AATU 97/3/0 ATWCQ85 全配方貓濕糧包 雞+野雞(Pheasant) 85g (藍)


AATU for Cats pouches get to a staggering 97% meat content! Available in portion controlled, easy-tear pouches, this exciting extension range comes in five unique flavours and can be fed as either a complete meal or as a topper with the dry food. With AATU for Cats bespoke formula of 8 fruits, 8 vegetables, 8 herbs & botanicals provides a combination of vitamins and minerals along with incredible flavour.
97%雞和野雞 (新鮮去骨雞肉60%,雞肉湯30%,新鮮去骨野雞肉7%)
礦物質,甜薯,胡蘿蔔,豌豆,蘋果,苜蓿,鷹嘴豆,番茄,木薯,梨,紅莓, 藍莓,桑葚,橙,山桑子,越橘,葡萄糖胺,軟骨素,番芫茜,薄荷,螺旋藻,海藻,牛至,鼠尾草,馬鬱蘭,百里香,洋甘菊,玫瑰果,絲蘭,菊苣,茴香,蕁麻,馬鬱蘭,胡蘆巴,肉桂,MSM
維生素D3 200 ui / kg,維生素E(α生育酚)30mg / kg,硫酸鋅一水合物15 mg,一水硫酸錳3 mg,無水碘酸鉀0.75 mg97% Chicken & Pheasant (Includes Chicken 60%, Chicken Broth 30%, Pheasant 7%), Minerals, Sweet Potato, Carrots, Peas, Apple, Lucerne, Chick Peas, Tomato, Tapioca, Pear, Cranberry, Blueberry, Mulberry, Orange, Bilberry, Cowberry, Glucosamine, Chondroitin, Parsley, Peppermint, Spirulina, Seaweed, Oregano, Sage, Marjoram, Thyme, Chamomile, Rosehip, Yucca, Chicory, Aniseed, Stinging Nettle, Marigold, Fenugreek, Cinnamon, MSM.
ANALYTICAL CONSTITUENTSProtein 10.7%, Fat 5.9%, Inorganic Matter 2.4%, Crude Fibres 0.4%, Moisture 79%. Additives per kg Nutritional additives: Taurine 1500mg
VitaminsVitamin D3 200 ui/kg, Vitamin E (alpha tocopherol) 30mg/kg, Zinc Sulfate Monohydrate 15 mg, Manganese Sulfate Monohydrate 3 mg, Calcium Iodate Anhydrous 0.75 mg.




