
Grandma Lucy [C73009]- Artisan Freeze-Dried 冷凍無穀物鹿肉狗糧 10lb

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10.00 LBS
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Grandma Lucy's Artisan Freeze-Dried 冷凍無穀物鹿肉狗糧

所有成份均達到人類進食等級,沒有加入任何(By-Products)副產品及防腐劑, 符合AAFCO(美國飼糧管理協會)規定的所有標準,絕對安全可靠!

  1. 無副產品(By-Products)
  2. 無防腐劑
  3. 無激素及抗生素
  4. 美國原產成分
  5. 無穀物配方
  6. 最優質的美國農業部料
鹿肉 - 鹿肉是營養最豐富的肉類之一。天然低脂肪和熱量,它也是蛋白質,鐵和許多B維生素的極好來源。

馬鈴薯,芹菜和胡蘿蔔 - 我們在食譜中使用新鮮蔬菜從源頭提供β-胡蘿蔔素(維生素A),鉀,菸酸和維生素B。

蔓越莓和藍莓 - 作為抗氧化劑如維生素C和E的天然來源,蔓越莓和藍莓支持您的寵物的免疫系統,並有助於預防尿路感染。果膠的優良來源,與結腸健康相關的可溶性纖維。

蘋果 - 充滿天然維生素,礦物質和養分,促進健康的心臟。

亞麻籽 - 豐富的營養油源,有助於支持健康的皮膚和光澤的外表。

香蕉 - 香蕉被認為是世界上最受歡迎的水果之一。它們含有有益於心臟和消化的必需營養物質。

 南瓜 - 南瓜飽和脂肪低,鈉和膽固醇低。它也是維生素E,鎂,磷和鉀的良好來源,也是膳食纖維的非常好的來源。

VENISON - Venison is one of the most nutritious meats. Naturally low in fat and calories, it is also an excellent source of protein, iron and many B Vitamins.

POTATOES, CELERY & CARROTS - We use fresh vegetables in our recipe to deliver Beta Carotene (Vitamin A), Potassium, Niacin and B Vitamins right from the source.

CRANBERRIES & BLUEBERRIES - As natural sources of antioxidants like Vitamin C and E, cranberries and blueberries support your pet’s immune system and help prevent urinary tract infections. Excellent sources of pectin, a soluable fiber associated with colon health.

APPLES - Full of naturally occurring vitamins, minerals and nutrients, apples promote a healthy heart.

FLAXSEED - A rich source of nutritious oils that help support healthy skin and a glossy coat.

BANANAS - Bananas are known as being one of the most popular fruits in the world for a reason. They contain essential nutrients benefiting the heart and digestion.

PUMPKIN - Pumpkin is low in saturated fat, sodium and cholesterol. It is also a good source of Vitamin E, magnesium, phosphorus and potassium and is also a very good source of dietary fiber.




Ingredients 成分


Venison, Potatoes, Flax, Sweet Potatoes, Carrots, Celery, Apples, Bananas, Blueberries, Cranberries, Pumpkin, Garlic, Vitamin A Supplement, Vitamin D3 Supplement, Vitamin E Supplement, Niacin Supplement, Iron Proteinate, Calcium Carbonate, Phosphorous, Zinc Proteinate, Riboflavin Supplement, Thiamine Monoitrate, Potassium Chloride, Manganese Proteinate, Copper Proteinate, Magnesium Chloride, Pyridoxine Hydrochloride, Cyanocobalamin.



Crude Protein 粗蛋白質(min.) 28%
Crude Fat 粗脂肪(min.)  15%
Crude Fiber 粗纖維(max.) 7.6%
Moisture 水份(max.) 6.9%
Calcium 鈣(min.)  1.2%
Phosphorous 磷(min.) 1.0%
Magnesium 鎂(max.) 0.16%

熱量:4030 kcal/kg ME (calculated)

457 kcal/cup ME (calculated)


Directions for Use 使用方法




